Contact us

Makeup and Beauty Guides is an online community to share tips, ideas, latest trends about makeup and beauty. Our website, Makeup & Beauty Guides is a product of hard work for the entire team. We work hard to get the stuff to you.

If you are interested to join us as authors, please use right side our contact form and send your details. We will connect you with further to have you on our website as author.

You can also follow us on our official social media pages, such as on Facebook and Pinterest.

Our team is well trained in the field of cosmetics and we hope to provide you the best tricks and information on makeup and cosmetics. Stay tuned to us by using our social media pages and share the tricks you find noteworthy on your social media pages.

Have a question? Want to send a product for review? Interested in sponsoring a post? We would love to hear from you! Here’s all the ways you can contact us and we will connect you back with further details.

Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest

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Makeup & Beauty Guides Team